Curriculum Vitae  

Positions | Studies & Training | Experience & Skills | Awards & Affiliations | Publications

Tony Kiss (Anton Alexandru) is a professor of chemical engineering with expertise in key areas such as Process Systems Engineering, Process Intensification, and Separation Technology. He holds a PhD / doctoral degree from the University of Amsterdam, a MSc title of Chemical Engineer from the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, and he was also PostDoc fellow at TU Delft and at University of Amsterdam. Tony has over 20 years of academic and industrial experience, working as a professor at Delft University of Technology, University of Twente, and The University of Manchester (UK). Earlier, he worked for over a decade in the chemical industry, as Senior Project Manager and RD&I Specialist in Chemical Process Technology at AkzoNobel Specialty Chemicals - rebranded later as a new company, Nouryon.

During the past decades, he carried out numerous research & industrial projects, published many textbooks, book chapters, patents, and 100+ scientific articles. In addition, he won several prestigious awards such as: Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, Hoogewerff Jongerenprijs, and AkzoNobel Innovation Excellence Award. Tony Kiss is also a Fellow of IChemE and RAEng, research fellow of The Royal Society, editorial / advisory board member of ChERD and JCTB journals, and member of established professional institutions: AIChE, CAPE-WP, EFCE, IChemE, PSE-NL, SCI.

OrcID: 0000-0001-5099-606X | ResearcherID: J-2918-2015 | Scopus AuthorID: 55558814600
LinkedIn: | ResearchGate | ScholarGPS | Google Scholar: ksXzkO8AAAAJ

  Contact info  

The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology
Building 58 (D2.160), Van der Maasweg 9, 2629 HZ, Delft, The Netherlands
E-mail: |
Web: |

United Kingdom
The University of Manchester, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science
Sackville Street, The Mill (B7F), Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom
E-mail: |
Web: |

  Jobs & Positions  

2020-20?? Professor of Process Systems Engineering - Department of Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology (part-time)
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft, The Netherlands

2017-2022 Professor & Chair in Chemical Engineering | Visiting Professor - School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science
The University of Manchester, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Manchester, United Kingdom

2014-2019 Professor of Separation Technology - Sustainable Process Technology (part-time)
University of Twente, Faculty of Science and Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands

2014-2017 RD&I Specialist & Senior Project Manager - Process Technology | IT Officer of SRG-PT & SRG-PRS
AkzoNobel Supply Chain, Research & Development, SRG Process Technology, Deventer, The Netherlands

2009-2015 Invited (industrial) lecturer at Dutch Universities: Advanced process integration by reactive separations
~ Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Chemical Engineering, Delft
~ University of Twente, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Enschede
~ Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, Eindhoven

2010-2014 Senior Project Leader - Separation Technology | IT Officer of ECG-PT
AkzoNobel Research, Development & Innovation, ECG-PT, Deventer/Arnhem, The Netherlands

2005-2009 Project Leader - Chemical Process Technology | IT Officer of CPT department
Akzo Nobel Chemicals - Research and Technology Center, CPT, Arnhem, The Netherlands

2004-2005 Postdoctoral Fellowship (Senior Researcher), van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS)
Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
PostDoc advisors: Prof. Gadi Rothenberg & Prof. Dr. Eng. Alexandre Dimian
~ Entrainer-based reactive distillation for synthesis of fatty acids Esters (NWO/CW Project Nr. 700.54.653)

2004 Jun-Jul Consultant Process System Engineer, Unilever BestFoods
Foods Research Center Unilever R&D, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands
~ Foam control in aerated reactors (e.g. tea production) and simulation of gas/liquid reactors

2004 Mar-Jun Postdoctoral Fellowship (Senior Researcher), DeltChemTech
Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
PostDoc advisors: Prof. Johan Grievink & Dr. Costin Sorin Bildea
~ Dynamic modeling, simulation and optimization of an industrial sulfuric acid process
~ EU Project nr. G1RD-2001-40261 / OPT-ABSO

2000-2004 Ph.D. student / A.I.O., Department of Chemical Engineering (ITS) / HIMS
Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam (UvA), The Netherlands
Ph.D. supervisors: Prof. Dr. Ir. Piet Iedema & Prof. Dr. Eng. Alexandre Dimian
~ Title of the Ph.D. thesis: Design and Control of Recycle Systems by Non-linear Analysis

1997-2000 Teaching assistant & Chemical engineer, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 'Babes-Bolyai' University of Cluj-Napoca

  Studies & Training  

2000-2004 PhD in Chemistry & Chemical Engineering (EQF level 8), Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam (UvA)
Title of the PhD thesis: Design and Control of Recycle Systems by Non-linear Analysis
PhD supervisors: Prof. Dr. Piet Iedema & Prof. Dr. Ing. Alexandre Dimian

1997-1998 Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (EQF level 7) - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
'Babes-Bolyai' University of Cluj-Napoca, graduated as the best student (with an average grade of 10.00)
Title of MSc dissertation: Modeling of the brine electrolysis process - Ion exchange membrane technology
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Ing. Serban Paul Agachi & Dr. Ing. Arpad Imre-Lucaci

1992-1997 Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (EQF level 6) - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
'Babes-Bolyai' University of Cluj-Napoca, Technology of Organic Compounds, graduated on the first position (9.85 out of 10)
Title of graduation thesis: Design of an emulsion polymerization PVC plant. Digital control of the polymerization reactor.
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Ing. Serban Paul Agachi & Dr. Ing. Mircea Cristea

1989-1992 Baccalaureate / Matura / Abitur (EQF level 4), Maths-and-Physics profile - 'Gheorghe Lazar' College, Bucharest.
'Mihail Cantacuzino' College (former 'George Enescu' High School), Sinaia, Maths-and-Physics stream.

Additional training courses


~ Romanian - fluent (native speaker)
~ English - excellent (speaking, reading, writing)
~ Dutch - very good (speaking, reading, writing)

  Experience & Skills  

Chemical Process Technology (including process design, modeling and simulation, process integration, revamping, process control and optimization): production of syngas & methanol, dimethyl ether (DME), dimethyl carbonate (DMC), monochloroacetic acid (MCA), chlor-alkali chemicals, ethanol & ethylene amines, fatty nitriles & amines, fatty acids & fatty alcohols, metal alkyls (DEZ, TMAL, TEAL, TMG), organic peroxides, ethyl chloride, chelates, cellulosic specialties, ethylbenzene & cumene, phenol & acetone, cyclohexanol & cyclohexanone, methanol-to-olefines; styrene & vinyl acetate, monomers & polyesters for packaging and powder coatings, poly vinyl chloride (PVC), low-density poly-ethylene (LDPE) and poly-propylene.

Industrial applications of novel energy savings techniques: heat pumps (MVR, TVR, CRHP, TAHP), pressure exchangers (PX), dividing-wall columns (DWC), heat-integrated distillation (HIDiC), reactive separations (RD, RA, REx), and other process intensification technologies. Development of innovative technologies for integrated production of biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol, biobutanol, DME). Synthesis of solid acid / base catalysts for biofuels and chemicals production from biomass.

Computer Aided Chemical Process Design: AspenTech AspenONE - Aspen Engineering Suite: Aspen Plus, Aspen Dynamics, Aspen Custom Modeler, Aspen ICARUS Process Evaluator, Aspen Split, Aspen Pinch, SuperTarget, ChemStations ChemCAD, SimSci Pro/II, HyproTech HYSYS, and PSE gPROMS. Programming languages: MathWorks Matlab & Simulink, National Instruments LabVIEW, Borland Delphi & Pascal, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C & C++. Data aquisition (DAQ) and processing. Development of process control software tools. Theoretical and computational chemistry, applications of topological indices in QSPR / QSAR studies for the chemical industry.

Information & Communications Technology: experienced officer with advanced knowledge or high level in Operating Systems (Microsoft DOS & Windows), MS Office Suite, Web authoring, Internet security tools. Networking: Novel Netware, MS Networks, TCP/IP, FTP, HTTP/s, Telnet, SSH, P2P, E-mail systems, other various system utilities, security tools and multimedia programs. Proficiency in computer hardware architecture - configuration and installation of any type of IT equipment, hardware and software on all types of personal computers.

Acquire funding & conduct research projects within chemical industry (AkzoNobel), EU Research Programs and Dutch funding agencies: Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT), Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RvO), Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) - active as initiator, project leader, coordinator, partner or participant.

Teaching experience (courses): Design Project (highly commended or winner of the IChemE Macnab-Lacey Prize for the best student design project), Process Intensification, Separation Processes, Process Design and Simulation, Computer Aided Process Engineering, Advanced Process Integration and Plantwide Control, Applied Thermodynamics, Applied Numerical Methods, Process Dynamics and Control, Optimization of Chemical Processes.

Project supervisor / advisor of many MEng, MSc, PhD and PostDoc (graduation) projects of (inter-)national students

Committee member for a number of PhD candidates (all of them doctors now)
~ Lars Puiman (TU Delft, 31.05.2024, Prof. Henk Noorman & Cristian Picioreanu & Cees Haringa)
~ Christos Tsekos (TU Delft, 18.03.2024, Prof. Wiebren de Jong & Johan Padding)
~ Tiago Pican‡o Castanheira Da Silva (TU Delft, 2.04.2024, Prof. Marcel Ottens & Michel Eppink)
~ Eduardo Almeida-Benalcazar (TU Delft, 4.12.2023, Prof. Henk Noorman & R. Maciel Filho & John Posada Duque)
~ Vishnu Prasad Sureshkumar (TU Eindhoven, 2.11.2023, Prof. John van der Schaaf & Fausto Gallucci)
~ Wenjun Tang (TU Delft, 5.06.2023, Prof. Henk Noorman & Walter van Gulik)
~ Jose Maria Jimenez Gutierrez (TU Delft, 8.05.2023, Prof. Luuk van der Wielen & Adrie Straathof)
~ Yingjie Ma (University of Manchester, 17.06.2022, Dr. Jie Li)
~ Jasper Hacking (TU Eindhoven, 7.10.2021, Prof. John van der Schaaf & Fausto Gallucci)
~ Robert Peter Michael Franz (TU Delft, 7.06.2021, Prof. Evgeny Pidko & Atsushi Urakawa)
~ Elisa Magalhaes de Medeiros (TU Delft, 15.12.2020, Dr. John Posada Duque, Prof. Henk Noorman & Rubens Maciel Filho)
~ Iulian Patrascu (Politehnica University of Bucharest, 14.12.2020, Prof. Sorin Bildea)
~ Vilborg Gudjonsdottir (TU Delft, 9.03.2020, Dr. Carlos Infante Ferreira)
~ Mihai Daniel Moraru (Politehnica University of Bucharest, 3.09.2019, Prof. Sorin Bildea)
~ Catalin Patrut (Politehnica University of Bucharest, 3.09.2019, Prof. Sorin Bildea)
~ Javier Fernandez de la Fuente (TU Delft, 16.11.2017, Prof. Andrzej Stankiewicz)
~ Lawien Zubeir (TU Eindhoven, 20.10.2016, Prof. Maaike Kroon)
~ Thomas Bisgard (DTU Lyngby, Denmark, 17.05.2016, Prof. Jens Abildskov)
~ Dennis Marijn van de Bor (TU Delft, 3.03.2014, Prof. Thijs Vlugt)
~ Juan Pablo Gutierrez (TU Eindhoven, 2.04.2013, Prof. Andre de Haan)
~ Deeptanshu Dwivedi (NTNU Trondheim, Norway, 18.01.2013, Prof. Sigurd Skogestad)
~ Radu Mihai Ignat (Politehnica University of Bucharest, 14.09.2012, Prof. Alexandru Woinaroschy)
~ Mayank Shah (TU Eindhoven, 9.11.2011, Prof. Andre de Haan)

Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals (Wiley, Elsevier, Springer, Taylor & Francis, De Gruyter): ALL Journals

  Awards & Affiliations  

Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng), London, United Kingdom, 2021.

Chartered Engineer (CEng), Chartered Scientist (CSci), and Fellow of IChemE, United Kingdom, 2018.

Featured in World Ranking Top 2% Scientists, Global list by Stanford University, 2017-2022.

Acclaimed winner of several distinguished international awards
~ Recent Innovative Contribution Award 2023 - Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) Working Party of European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE), Athens, Greece, 2023
~ Distinguished Alumnus of Alma Mater Claudiopolitana - Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2023
~ I&EC Research Excellence in Review Award 2021 - American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, USA, 2021
~ Deepak Group's Padma Bhushan Professor L. K. Doraiswamy CHEMCON Distinguished Speaker Award for Innovators and Science Leaders, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, New Delhi, India, 2019.
~ Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award - Prestigious award for respected scientists of outstanding achievement and potential, Manchester, UK, 2017.
~ Pirkey Distinguished Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, US, 2017.
~ Hoogewerff Jongerenprijs - Prestigious Dutch award for the most promising young researcher, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2013.
~ AkzoNobel Innovation Excellence Award - Highly regarded industrial award, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013.
~ Performance Coatings RD&I - Innovation Excellence Award - Granted for the most successful innovation, Deventer, The Netherlands, 2013.
~ American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund (ACS-PRF) SE Grant, Orlando, USA, 2006.
~ Marie Curie Grant for Young Researchers, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004.

Regular winner of top awards at national chemistry Olympiads and student contests
~ Master of Science Diploma in Chemical Engineering - Best Graduating Student, Chemical Engineering of Interface Processes, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 1998.
~ License Diploma of Engineer - Best Graduating Student, Organic Substances Technology, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, 1997.
~ Special Prize at the International Chemistry Contest, Szeged, Hungary, 1996.
~ Member of the National Chemistry Olympic Team, Romania, 1989-1992.
~ National Chemistry Olympiads, Romania, 1988-1992. (2nd / 3rd and Special Prize, Honorific mentions)

Member / senior member / research fellow of established professional institutions
- AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers)
- CAPE-WP (EFCE Working Party on Computer Aided Process Engineering)
- EFCE (European Federation of Chemical Engineering)
- IChemE (Institution of Chemical Engineers)
- PSE-NL (Process Systems Engineering NL)
- Royal Society (United Kingdom)
- SCI (Society of Chemical Industry)

Member of the (Advisory) Editorial Board of several journals
- Chemical Engineering Research and Design (IChemE / Elsevier)
- Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (SCI / Wiley)
- NPT Procestechnologie (Dutch technical magazine)

  Selected Publications  

  1. A. A. Kiss, R. Muthia, I. Pazmino-Mayorga, J. Harmsen, M. Jobson, X. Gao, Conceptual methods for synthesis of reactive distillation processes: Recent developments and perspectives, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 99, 1263-1290, 2024. DOI: 10.1002/jctb.7633

  2. A. A. Kiss, C. Webb, The Manchester perspective on using the Design Project to enhance the education of chemical engineering students, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 96, 1453-1464, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/jctb.6725

  3. A. A. Kiss, R. Smith, Rethinking energy use in distillation processes for a more sustainable chemical industry, Energy, 203, 117788, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/

  4. A. A. Kiss, J. Grievink, Process Systems Engineering developments in Europe from an industrial and academic perspective, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 138, 106823, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2020.106823

  5. A. A. Kiss, Novel catalytic reactive distillation processes for a sustainable chemical industry, Topics in Catalysis, 62, 1132-1148, 2019. DOI: 10.1007/s11244-018-1052-9

  6. A. A. Kiss, M. Jobson, X. Gao, Reactive distillation: Stepping up to the next level of process intensification, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58, 5909-5918, 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b05450

  7. A. A. Kiss, O. M. Kattan Readi, An industrial perspective on membrane distillation processes, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 93, 2047-2055, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/jctb.5674

  8. A. A. Kiss, J. P. Lange, B. Schuur, D. W. F. Brilman, A. G. J. van der Ham, S. R. A. Kersten, Separation technology - Making a difference in biorefineries, Biomass and Bioenergy, 95, 296-309, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2016.05.021

  9. A. A. Kiss, J. J. Pragt, H. J. Vos, G. Bargeman, M. T. de Groot, Novel efficient process for methanol synthesis by CO2 hydrogenation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 284, 260-269, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2015.08.101

  10. A. A. Kiss, J. Grievink, M. Rito-Palomares, A systems engineering perspective on process integration in industrial biotechnology, Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 90, 349-355, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/jctb.4584

  11. Click Here for a full list of publications.

  Textbooks & Book chapters  

  1. A. A. Kiss (Ed), Handbook of porous materials - Volume 3: Separations using porous materials, World Scientific, ISBN 978-981-122-322-8, 320 pages, 2020. DOI: 10.1142/11909

  2. A. C. Dimian, C. S. Bildea, A. A. Kiss, Applications in design and simulation of sustainable chemical processes, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-444-63876-2, 712 pages, 2019.

  3. A. A. Kiss, E. Zondervan, R. Lakerveld, L. Ozkan (Eds), 29th European Symposium on Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Computers and Chemical Engineering, vol. 46, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-1281-8634-3, 1892 pages, 2019.

  4. A. A. Kiss, C. S. Bildea, Intensified downstream processing in biofuels production, in the book of A. Stankiewicz, A. Gorak (Eds), Intensification of biobased processes, RSC Publishing, ISBN 978-1-78262-855-2, 518 pages, 62-85, 2018. DOI: 10.1039/9781788010320

  5. A. A. Kiss, Process intensification for reactive distillation, in the book of B-G. Rong (Ed), Process synthesis and process intensification: Methodological approaches, de Gruyter, ISBN 978-3-11-046505-1, 412 pages, 143-181, 2017. DOI: 10.1515/9783110465068-004

  6. A. A. Kiss, C. A. Infante Ferreira, Heat pumps in chemical process industry, CRC-Press (Taylor & Francis Group), ISBN 978-1-4987-1895-0, 428 pages, 2016.

  7. A. A. Kiss, Process intensification: Industrial applications, in the book of J. G. Segovia-Hernandez, A. Bonilla-Petriciolet (Eds), Process intensification in chemical engineering: Design, optimization and control, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-28390-6, 336 pages, 221-260, 2016. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-28392-0_8

  8. A. A. Kiss, Process intensification technologies for biodiesel production - Reactive separation processes, Springer Briefs in Applied Sciences and Technology series, ISBN 978-3-319-03553-6, 104 pages, 2014.

  9. A. C. Dimian, C. S. Bildea, A. A. Kiss, Integrated design and simulation of chemical processes, 2nd Edition, Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-444-62700-1, 886 pages, 2014.

  10. A. A. Kiss, Advanced Distillation Technologies - Design, Control and Applications, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 978-1-1199-9361-2, 408 pages, 2013.

  Conferences & Workshops  

  1. European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences, ESBES-2024, 21-23 October 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
    L. A. M. van der Wielen, A. J. J. Straathof, M. Ottens, O. Thuma, A. A. Kiss, Bioprocess design education at TU Delft

  2. Netherlands Process Technology Symposium, NPS19, 8-9 October 2024, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
    A. A. Kiss, Process Systems Engineering perspectives and new horizons
    Q. Li, A. Somoza-Tornos, A. A. Kiss, Systematic methodology via a decision matrix for the quick selection of energy-efficient intensified distillation technologies
    R. Dal Mas, A. Somoza-Tornos, A. A. Kiss, Modelling and analysis of electrolysers integrated with downstream separation systems via heat pumps
    T. Jankovic, A. J. J. Straathof, A. A. Kiss, Advanced downstream processing for recovery of bioalcohols from fermentation broths

  3. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering & 15th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, ESCAPE-34 & PSE-2024, 2-6 June 2024, Florence, Italy
    Q. Li, A. Somoza-Tornos, A. A. Kiss, A hierarchical selection and decision matrix for energy-efficient intensified distillation technologies
    R. Dal Mas, A. Somoza-Tornos, A. A. Kiss, Evaluation of energy requirements for chemicals and fuels manufactured via electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide
    T. Jankovic, A. J. J. Straathof, I. R. McGregor, A. A. Kiss, Design of a novel pass-through distillation process for bioethanol recovery
    M. Caballero, A. A. Kiss, A. Somoza-Tornos, Optimization-based design of distillation columns using surrogate models
    D. Hartanto, B. Schuur, A. A Kiss, A. B. de Haan, Effective selection of green organics and natural deep eutectic solvents as advanced entrainers by COSMO-RS and group contributions methods for enhanced design of extractive distillation
    M. Taube, A. Barus, N. Kalmoukidis, S. Staikos, F. Mousazadeh, A. A. Kiss, Novel process for eco-efficient production of formic acid by CO2 hydrogenation

  4. Process Systems Engineering Forum, PSE Forum 2024, 3-5 April 2024, Valladolid, Spain
    A. A. Kiss, Process Systems Engineering from an industrial and academic perspective
    Q. Li, A. Somoza-Tornos, A. A. Kiss, Process intensification matrix for the selection of advanced distillation technologies
    R. Dal Mas, A. Somoza-Tornos, A. A. Kiss, Comparison of low-carbon routes for ethylene production: Techno-economic and environmental performance

  5. 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, ECCE-14, 17-21 September 2023, Berlin, Germany
    T. Jankovic, A. J. J. Straathof, A. A. Kiss, Eco-efficient recovery of valuable by-products from hot-liquid water pretreatment of biomass
    Q. Li, A. J. Finn, S. J. Doyle, R. Smith, A. A. Kiss, Synthesis and optimization of energy integrated NGLs downstream fractionation by advanced distillation sequences

  6. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE-33, 18-21 June 2023, Athens, Greece
    T. Jankovic, A. J. J. Straathof, A. A. Kiss, Enhanced hot-liquid water pretreatment of biomass with recovery and valorization of side products
    Q. Li, A. J. Finn, S. J. Doyle, R. Smith, A. A. Kiss, Synthesis and optimization of NGL separation as a complex energy-integrated distillation sequence
    D. R. Lewin, E. Zondervan, M. Franke, A. A. Kiss, S. Kramer, M. Perez-Fortes, A. M. Schweidtmann, P. M. Slegers, A. Somoza-Tornos, P. L. J. Swinkels, B. Wentink, An educational workshop for effective PSE course development

  7. 12th International Conference on Distillation & Absorption, DA2022, 18-21 September 2022, Toulouse, France
    O. Bedryk, A. Shevchenko, V. N. Maleta, A. A. Kiss, Industrial experience in using cyclic distillation for the purification of ethanol food grade
    I. Pazmino Mayorga, A. A. Kiss, M. Jobson, High-level decision-making approach for early assessment of the applicability of advanced reactive distillation technologies

  8. 17th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, RRB-17, 6-8 September 2021, Aveiro, Portugal
    I. Pazmino Mayorga, A. A. Kiss, M. Jobson, Improving sustainability of lactic acid downstream processing through process intensification

  9. Distillation Experts Conclave, DEC-2021, 3-6 August 2021, India (Online)
    A. A. Kiss, V. N. Maleta, A. Shevchenko, O. Bedryk, Cyclic distillation: Cyclic distillation: A new challenger for intensified fluid separations

  10. Hydrocarbon Processing's International Refining and Petrochemical Conference, IRPC-2021, 2-3 June 2021, United States (Online)
    A. A. Kiss, V. N. Maleta, A. Shevchenko, O. Bedryk, Cyclic distillation: A novel enhanced technology for processing hydrocarbons and derivatives

  11. Click Here for a full list of conferences.

Copyright © 1998-2025 Tony KiSS